
I’m sure this website is nothing new to a lot of people, but I only happened across it today and it’s got me very excited.  I’ve always loved those photo booth machines that you can get your photo taken and find your face strewn with stars and phrases with meanings that somehow got lost in translation.

The only problem with these machines is that you spend somewhere between $5 and $15 dollars and end up with only a few small photos or stickers, which in my case generally end up being lost in the recesses of a wallet or handbag. Either that or whoever I’m with will have no part in posing for ridiculous photos.

puricuteYes, that is a pirate cat by my face.

Puricute solves both of these problems!  Puricute is a website with a simple flash player based system that allows you to upload any photo from your computer and turn it into a cutesy overloaded sugary photobooth style concoction.  Do you want a strange penguin-like animal on your cheek? You can have it. Feel like putting your face on a Japanese street sign?  You can do that too.

It’s incredibly fun to play around with and gives normal photos a cute injection.  And just in case you do want a tangible version of your creation, you can buy sticker pictures directly from the site.


Filed under Cute stuff!, Random

4 responses to “Puricute

  1. sweetlovesour

    does it only works in japan cuz i tried uploading my pic and it doesn’t work
    plz reply as soon as you could cuz i also love purikura ;]

  2. I am currently obsessed with it.
    It’s so kawaii~
    So many possibilities, so many themes you can use! I love yours. Especially the pirate cat. Only the japanese could think of that.

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